ponedeljek, 28. november 2016

I'm weird. Sooo weird.

And there I am. I watched him be dead drunk and said to myself "Ok, that's the limit. I'm over him." And now, three days later? Checking my phone every half hour if by any mistake I overheard a messeage beep. I'm crazy! How can I still want him after seeing with my own eyes that he's just not for me? He's a child in a way. He drinks waaay too much and when he does he changes into a complete douchebag. A week ago we were partying and we were fooling around with his friends and suddenly he started swearing and he even gave me the finger. And I was all like wut? Cuz that's not at all what he's like otherwise. But in a way I still want him. And now I'm like "wuut" because of me. I like being weird but dear God, I don't wanna be crazy, so please, help, would ya?

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